FLiRtING with RaNDomneSS!!


Posted in fun, general, life, med school, people, philosophy, random, thoughts by yojita ... on August 20, 2009

XYZ: hey

ME: im bored

XYZ:sounds very not interesting why u are not unbored,so what else

ME:nothing interesting!!!

XYZ:are u actually taking notes or u just faking things are so very boring..need to find a new hobby!


XYZ:tell me something i dunno about u !!?

ME: im a very cold person.

XYZ: i am very hot but thts something u already know!and i am very selfish,i do somethings for the sake of me..

ME: obviously im not totally selfless either!!

XYZ:no but i am more selfish than u think,i am very devious in my thoughts i play wid people like a game for my sick pleasure!

ME:isnt it terrific you know what you’re doing n still do it?what do u think about it,good or bad?

XYZ:good in the sense by me acting like this,i can get mad at someone and yell at them for no reason and get that off my chest and not hurt anyone..see if im obnoxious all the time i dont have to worry about people getting hurt!

XYZ:like i can completely curse off someone and actually mean but they dont get hurt cuz they think im just joking around!

ME:so its more like your making people accustomed to your behaviour.Your exploiting the vulnerability as much as u can becoz there is no resistance backwards??

XYZ:pretty much yeah but they dont know that!

ME:thats what i meant too

XYZ:kinda fucked up aint it??i act obnoxious cause i can get away with ..

ME: you are afraid of getting rid of it??

XYZ:do u want the brutal honest truth?

ME: yeah why not!??

XYZ:ok i think i’ve a group of friends because i get bored, other than that i have no need for friends..i have no relation to any of u..all of you grew up in a completely different environment from me..i will never understand how u people feel and the intensity of your emotions and u guys will never understand my feelings…i dont have anyone similar to me.

ME:that explains a lot!!

XYZ:for instance i hear things i dont give a shit about and pretend i care…honestly if someone is sad it doesnt concern me ,i ask if they’re ok just because the society is made up that way..if someone gets hurt i dont care unless its me..if someone is happy i dont care ,i simply piss people off because i can…….i only care about myself, i am the most important person i know,i dont care who does what or they did that, its all the stuff i listen to prevent myself from going insane in this place, its the show i play everyday,same script, just do what you have to do,i drink because im bored!!!!

ME: ok [ already dumb] but isnt it like you are trying hard to run away from something ?? may be the reality??/????

p.s : ionno what was going on in the convo except that im the one replying!!does it make any sense what xyz was talking?? or does it realli have to make some sense???

5 Responses

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  1. muraliduvvuri said, on August 27, 2009 at 5:28 pm

    Just that xyz is wrong, we are what we are because of the experiences we had, because of the senses we sensed, because of the thoughts that traversed between us and our environment…..!

  2. adisha said, on August 28, 2009 at 3:11 am

    I don’t know what’s going on either 😀 Tipping my hat to you for keeping up with it while talking itself .. lolzz

  3. yojita said, on August 28, 2009 at 12:16 pm

    @ M : im glad u said that !!! thats similar to what i told xyz after the convo!!

    @ adisha: yay!!!! 🙂

  4. cutestangel said, on October 5, 2009 at 7:46 pm

    Interesting but I am struggling to get the point.

  5. yojitha said, on October 6, 2009 at 5:43 pm

    the whole gist whatever i thought was that….why do u need to ‘pretend’ in front of people like ur friends with them when u ARE not actually!!!???hypocracy??? is’nt it just exploiting!!! holy crap!! people can make me insaNE at any point!!

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